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Nature Lovers’ Calendar for 2012

Posted on 29 April 2012 by RE Team

Do you love nature and want to do something for it? Then it’s time to mark your calendar for the rest of  2012 and pay tribute to Nature on this days.


The Beauty of our planet is in our hands


  • April 22 : Earth Day

One of the largest celebrated Environment event on Earth. It was initiated by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970 in Philadelphia. This day falls in spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. It is now celebrated in 175 countries across the globe.

  • May 3 : International Migratory Bird Day:

Started in 1993, International Migratory Bird Day aims on the conservation of birds. Currently observed in more than 500 sites mostly in western hemisphere, the event has been able to attract millions of youths to adults. Want  to pay tribute to the beautiful birds around your home on this day?

  • May 18 : Bike- to- work Day :

Celebrated in the spring of Northern hemisphere, this annual event promotes the eco-friendly and pollution free commute, bicycling.  Don’t forget to take your bicycle out to office on this day.

  • May 22 : International Day for Biological Diversity (World Biodiversity Day)

Observed on 22nd of May every year. It was first observed on 1993. During the period from 1993 to 2000, WBD also known as “International Day for Biological Diversity”, was observed on 29 December. This day is organized by United Nations for the promotion of biodiversity issues. This year it will be a salute to the wonderful marine biodiversity.

  • June 5 : Environment Day

Observered on 5th of June every year, World Environment Day is one of the most widely celebrated eco-event on Earth. This day is in summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. It was the day on which United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began in 1972. World Environmental Day stimulates awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and public action and organized by United Nations.

  • July 9 : International Tiger Day:

A day to save to last remaining tigers in the world. The King of the Jungle now require so much attention from the humans. Saving tigers mean saving the eco-system, so don’t forget this day!

  • September 21 : Zero Emission Day:

Declare a holiday from fossil fuels on 21st September, in the fifth annual celebration of ZeDay. We have done enough poisonous emission to our mother earth, lets give her a break for a day!

  • September 30 : World Rivers Day:

Celebrated on last Sunday of September since 2005. A tribute to the lifeline of human society and wildlife.

  • December 11 : International Mountain Day:

First designated by United Nations in 2003, the International Mountain Day focuses on the sustainable living in the mountain regions of the world. It’s important to preserve the culture and eco-system of the mountain region which are hit by climatic changes the most.

These are a few tribute to the grandest creations of beautiful Nature. If we really want the save Nature, we need to consider every day as an event to think about nature that surrounds us.

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